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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Allergies, sickness, and the sad effects

About two weeks ago I came down with a really bad cold, and then my allergies attacked.  Between the two my asthma was worse than ever, to the point my hubby nearly rushed me to the hospital twice last week in the middle of the night.  Neither of us got much sleep that week from all my gasping and coughing.  There aren't many medical options when nursing, because the meds dry up ALL your glands, not just your sinuses.  Anyways, I finally broke down Thursday and went to the doctor.  I was promised that the medication prescribed would help, and while I would have to "pump and dump" for a week it wouldn't impact my production.  My goal has always to make it a year and that's a battle that I've fought hard for.  Well, I'm on day 3 of the meds and my production and dropped.  Significantly.  As in I feel like I may not be able to nurse after this.  It nearly brings me to tears but health wise I cannot stop the meds and logistically I have enough milk stocked in freezers across the Twin Cities and Iowa to meet my year goal.  We will see how it goes, but this is devastating.  Oh, how I have wished and prayed for a better immune system and bronchial system for years.  At least I made it nearly 10 months.  

It's also been interesting over the past days getting into our new groove.  We are washing a.lot.of.bottles every day.  How do people stand using formula???  Plus we have to plan ahead to have milk thawed, then rush down to heat water and milk when she starts stirring with hunger.  Today we were visiting friends and she got hungry, and there was nothing we could do but load up and go home.  It hadn't occurred to me to pack a bottle, and I couldn't nurse.  We failed as parents.  From all aspects, nursing is the best way to go if you're able, in my opinion.  Plus it's free!!! (If you don't count the $300 pump, or the bags, or the pump parts;)).  On a positive note Mark is able to help with feedings now too.  

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