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Friday, November 25, 2016

BeachBody Coaching Experience

It has been a LONG time since I took a few minutes to sit down and blog.  Part of it is because I work full time, have two very active children, a household to run, and just a lot of "life" stuff in general.  The other part is that, while I had a pretty good stretch of healthy habits for a while, the whole "having kids" thing really threw me off track.  It's funny how that can happen to us, women in particular. 

When my youngest was turning 1 about a year ago, I realized how unhappy I was.  I'd lost my essence, my sense of self.  The past 4 years had been spent either pregnant or nursing, eating whatever I felt like.  I was very lucky after my first was born and couldn't keep weight on (I know, amazing right??), but after the second was born I really struggled with weight.  Having been fairly thin and active my whole life, this was a shock to my core.  I no longer had time or the will to work out, I was hungry and wanted to eat like I had the past four years and eat whatever I felt like, and I just felt gross.  My clothes didn't fit well.  I didn't have any energy.  I was tired.  I felt frumpy.  None of these things were good for my self esteem. 

Then one of my classmates started posting pics of her workouts and I was amazed at how good she looked, even after kids.  Like better than she did even in high school!  We reconnected and she told me all about Shakeology and BeachBody.  While I thought the name was silly, I was curious and tried out a challenge pack.  After a few days on Shakeology, my cravings for junk nearly disappeared and I had energy all day.  I felt great!  It was like a light clicked on, and I realized having the nutrients my body needed plus the workouts and the accountability groups to keep me focused was just what I needed.

The biggest thing I've regained over my journey the past year was my sense of self.  Taking 30 minutes a day to focus on me, on getting strong, and feeling good, made such a difference mentally.  I had no idea how badly I needed it until I was in the midst of the program.  I'm so much stronger than I ever have been before, or realized was possible.  I can keep up with my crazy kids, have energy to be "present" with them in the evenings after a long day of work and working out, and my clothes feel great. 

To be honest, I abhor when people try to sell me stuff.  My decision to become a coach stemmed from my passion for the results I've seen, and a desire to help others.  So many of my friends are in the same boat as I was last year, wanting something different for our lives but not knowing how to achieve it.  I love sharing my story and really listening to understand each person's lifestyle and goals, to help them figure out the program that will fit with their life and help them achieve the results they want.  For me, this isn't about selling a product.  It's about matching people with the program that will help them feel like the best version of themselves.  If you want to talk more, feel free to reach out to me!  Or if you just feel like checking things out on your own, there are a couple links below that you can peruse at your leisure. 

Check back regularly.  I'm going to begin posting reviews of all the workout programs I've tried, along with tips to succeed and recipes.  If you have anything you'd like to see more of, let me know!

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