1/2 package of 99/1 turkey cutlets
Lowry's marinade (garlic & herb)
1 apple, sliced vertically
fresh green beans
Soak the turkey cutlets in a few tablespoons of the marinade in a bowl for at least 30 minutes. (This is the part I didn't measure. I struggle with the marinades because the calorie count is low and since most of it is left in the bowl I'm not sure how that counts). Toss the turkey on the grill once it's around 450 degrees and cook about 5-7 minutes each side. Slice the apple and add that to the grill, cooking 2-3 minutes per side. While these are grilling, cut the green beans and add to a microwaveable pot with a little water. I use the Pampered Chef pots, which are great for steaming veggies.
After the meat and apple is cooked, measure out your portion and enjoy!
Approximate calorie count of my meal:
3 oz turkey: 90 calories
green beans: 30 calories
roll: approximately 100 calories
apple: 95 calories (Mark ate one tiny slice so I'm counting the whole apple)
marinade: ???
Total: 315 (+ marinade)

Note: I ate dessert too, so don't worry I had more than my share of calories today. Snacking is still my main issue!!
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