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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Lactation Cookies - Tested!

After my short bout of the fabulous stomach flu this week (note the sarcasm), I had to test these cookies out earlier than planned to improve my production to off-set the dehydration.  So last night I whipped up a batch to get my production back up, and to take with me on my work trip next week.  I have to say, they taste pretty yummy!  Things to note:

- the dough is kind of sticky, but not crumbly like the recipe stated.
- I had to bake them for about 14-15 minutes, and they still looked a little doughy in the middle
- the texture is definitely...different.  They're a softer-type of cookie.  It's not bad, just not like a normal cookie.
- they taste completely normal.  no weird after tastes or anything
- I swear they made me start smelling odd by this afternoon.  At first I thought it was someone else, but then I realized it was me!  I'm not sure if it was the cookies, or that my jacket just needs a trip to the dry cleaner.  :) 
- They are really filling!  I can normally put away half a dozen cookies without blinking, but I had a hard time eating 3 today.  And that's over an entire day!  Seriously, I have easily eaten a dozen chocolate chip cookies in a single day, on a regular basis.  (not that I'm proud of it or anything...)

I haven't seen an impact on my production, but I think it takes a couple of days.  Here's hoping it works!!

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