Now, I have zero experience making squash. Wasn't even sure what type to purchase, let alone how to even begin attempting to cook it. Luckily my mom was in town and gave me some pointers. I had two options: microwave or oven. I, once again, was very short on time and chose microwave. Unfortunately I chose to start this project around 10pm, after mom had gone home. It didn't go quite as smoothly as she had described.
The directions were to microwave the squash for a few minutes until the ball part was softened. I then cut the squash in half, length-wise, and microwave face up for a few minutes until it was soft and I could scoop it out. Mom warned me that the neck portion would take longer to cook. Well, the whole thing was a bit of a disaster. I managed to hack the gourd in half after it had "softened". After zapping it for another few minutes, it was sizzling and bubbling, but not soft enough to scoop out with a big spoon (I had no idea how else to remove the flesh from the skin). I just kept microwaving and attacking it with a spoon, burning my fingers in the process, until I had enough liberated to do my thing with the Baby Bullet. I prayed after making my batch that T would hate it so I'd never have to make it again. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) she loved it.
After explaining my trials with mom, she recommended baking it next time. I guess if you cut it in half lenth-wise (again, after softening it in the microwave), you can bake it at 300F in a little bit of water, with the flesh facing down. I think you bake it for 45-60 minutes, then scoop the meat of the gourd out. Since it was a hit, I guess I'll be attemping to make it again, this alternate way. Once my fingers heal, of course.